Monday, April 19, 2010

Polyphasic Sleep: Weekends and Day 4


How, when you are trying to sleep four or fewer hours per day, do you deal with weekends?  Back when I was sleeping for 8-9 hours a day, it was next to impossible to get me out of bed before noon on the weekends, and 2pm was not an unusual time for me to rise.  I wanted 9 hours of sleep a day, but during the week my schedule would result in 6-8 far more often than 9, and that sleep debt would catch up with me.  On the weekends, all I really wanted was sleep.

So how has this changed now that I am sleeping 4-5 hours scattered around the day?  I still consider weekends to be a time to indulge in extra sleep, and to catch up for missed sleep during the week.  The real difference is in what the body considers indulgence.  While I used to get up between noon and 2pm on weekends, and would be rather upset if I had to get up before 10 for some event, on the weekends now I can't sleep past 7am, and 6am still feels luxuriously decadent.  When your alarm normally goes off at 4 am, 6am feels great, and by 7 I feel how I used to when I would get up at 2pm.  The big difference is that, rising at 7 instead of 2, I still have an entire Saturday ahead of me.

Today is Monday, though, and it is a different matter.  Went to bed a little before 1am, with the alarm set for 4am.  Somehow slept through until 5am.  Oh well, try again tonight

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